

Main link for grants and bounties: saddlebounties.org

SEMPI links

Learn more: https://blog.saddle.finance/announcing-project-sempi/

Apply: Fill out the bounty request form and select Fork Saddle code to bring stablecoin swap to alt chains or Applications and integrations built with/on top of Saddle

Contact: Discord > #sempi-and-frens > tag @CXGonzalez#2321 (Saddle partnerships lead)

bounties4bandits (b4b) links

Learn more: https://saddle.finance/#/b4b

Apply: https://www.encode.club/bounties4bandits

Contact: Discord > #bounites4bandits > tag @emac#0046

Delos HQ links

Learn more: https://snapshot.org/#/saddlefinance.eth/proposal/0x8e9367cf0e4bb8e63502aefd469f7527cfa3587c3473f1ccd65006700ee65c00

Apply: Look through the list of active bounties and fill out the bounty request form

Contact: Discord > #delos-hq > tag @emac#0046

🌟Website and dApp🌟

Main website: saddle.finance

Saddle dApp (swap and LP here!): saddle.exchange

GitHub (Saddle’s open-source repo): github.com/saddle-finance